Original WWI US Navy 1918 Great Lakes Naval Station Medal. Very nice original item. Full size medal with replacement ribbon and hanger. Made and marked by DIEGES & CLUST. Name is etched into the reverse. At the start of 1917, just prior to the United States entry to World War I, Great Lakes was under the command of Captain William A. Moffett and had 39 permanent brick buildings, over 165 acres (67 ha), and about 1,500 Sailors. At the close of the war, there were 776 buildings, with 1,200 acres (490 ha) and about 45,000 Sailors in training; 125,000 had been trained at Great Lakes during the war. Please feel free to ask any questions. We strive to satisfy our customers.
WORLD WAR I UNITED STATES NAVY VICTORY MEDAL W/ TRANSPORT CLASP, & FULL WRAP BROOCH. RIBBON DRAPE TESTED U. The World War I Victory Medal is a service medal of the United States military which was first created in 1919, designed by James Earle Fraser. The medal was originally intended to be created due to an act of the United States Congress, however the bill authorizing the medal never passed, leaving the service departments to create the award through general orders. The United States Army published orders authorizing the World War I Victory Medal in April 1919 and the U. Navy followed in June of that same year. Known until 1947 simply as the “Victory Medal”, the World War I Victory Medal was awarded to any member of the U. Military who had served in the armed forces between the following dates in the following locations. 6 April 1917 to 11 November 1918 for any military service. 12 November 1918, to 5 August 1919 for service in European Russia. 23 November 1918, to 1 April 1920 for service with the American Expeditionary Force Siberia. The front of the bronze medal features a winged Victory holding a shield and sword on the front. The back of the bronze medal features “The Great War For Civilization” in all capital letters curved along the top of the medal. Curved along the bottom of the back of the medal are six stars, three on either side of the center column of seven staffs wrapped in a cord. The top of the staff has a round ball on top and is winged on the side. The staff is on top of a shield that says “U” on the left side of the staff and “S” on the right side of the staff. On left side of the staff it lists one World War I Allied country per line: France, Italy, Serbia, Japan, Montenegro, Russia, and Greece. On the right side of the staff the Allied country names read: Great Britain, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Rumania (spelled with a U instead of an O as it is spelled now), and China. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you!
For graduation from the Naval Aviation Engineering School. The symbolism for graduating from the Naval Aviation Engineering and Technical School differs from the earlier badge for engineering and technical personnel in that the medallion is covered with blue enamel and the hammer and sickle is in the center of the red star. The size of the badge is 32×60. A unique specimen in exceptional condition! Please let me know if you have any questions. Please carefully review the attached photos, if you need any additional photos please contact me. Pay Pal only Thank you.
Antique 1798 ORIGINAL Bronze British Military Naval Battle Victory of The Nile Medal. History – All of the following info i acquired from a website that notates all of the history and details about this medal. The Victory of the Nile Medal is a commemorative medal awarded to British naval officers and men who participated in the Battle of the Nile, which took place on August 1, 1798. The medal was established by Alexander Davison, the prize agent to Horatio Nelson, to commemorate the British victory over French forces under Admiral François-Paul Brueys d’Aigalliers. The medal features an obverse design with the figure of Peace holding an olive branch, with an inscription “EUROPE’S HOPE AND BRITAIN’S GLORY” and the name “REAR-ADMIRAL LORD NELSON OF THE NILE” around the circumference. The reverse side depicts a view of the fleet sailing into Aboukir Bay, with the inscription “ALMIGHTY GOD HAS BLESSED HIS MAJESTY’S ARMS” and the date “VICTORY OF THE NILE AUGUST 1 1798″ in the exergue. The edge is engraved with the inscription A TRIBUTE OF REGARD FROM ALEXR DAVISON ESQR. ST JAMES’S SQUARE. The Victory of the Nile Medal is a significant historical artifact, commemorating a pivotal naval battle that marked a turning point in the French Revolutionary Wars. It is a testament to the bravery and skill of the British naval forces under the command of Horatio Nelson, who played a crucial role in the battle. The medal was awarded in different compositions, depending on the rank of the recipient. Gold: awarded to Admirals and Captains. Silver: awarded to Officers. Gilt: awarded to Petty Officers. Bronze: awarded to ratings (non-commissioned personnel). Some medals have been privately named on the reverse side, with the recipient’s name or initials. Features – I took lower light and direct sunlight photos to give the best idea of condition. I make no claims on a condition grade or gradeability, if a graded item is what you are looking for please search for one. Solid Bronze – Personalized with the Naval mans name on the reverse – All Original – Measures 5 across. For similar items related to this check my Militaria ALL Military section in my store. Questions are usually answered within an hour. Please don’t forget to leave feedback, sellers depend on it!!
ORIGINAL WORLD WAR I UNITED STATES NAVAL VICTORY MEDAL W/ FULL WRAP BROOCH. RIBBON DRAPE TESTED U. The World War I Victory Medal is a service medal of the United States military which was first created in 1919, designed by James Earle Fraser. The medal was originally intended to be created due to an act of the United States Congress, however the bill authorizing the medal never passed, leaving the service departments to create the award through general orders. The United States Army published orders authorizing the World War I Victory Medal in April 1919 and the U. Navy followed in June of that same year. Known until 1947 simply as the “Victory Medal”, the World War I Victory Medal was awarded to any member of the U. Military who had served in the armed forces between the following dates in the following locations. 6 April 1917 to 11 November 1918 for any military service. 12 November 1918, to 5 August 1919 for service in European Russia. 23 November 1918, to 1 April 1920 for service with the American Expeditionary Force Siberia. The front of the bronze medal features a winged Victory holding a shield and sword on the front. The back of the bronze medal features “The Great War For Civilization” in all capital letters curved along the top of the medal. Curved along the bottom of the back of the medal are six stars, three on either side of the center column of seven staffs wrapped in a cord. The top of the staff has a round ball on top and is winged on the side. The staff is on top of a shield that says “U” on the left side of the staff and “S” on the right side of the staff. On left side of the staff it lists one World War I Allied country per line: France, Italy, Serbia, Japan, Montenegro, Russia, and Greece. On the right side of the staff the Allied country names read: Great Britain, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Rumania (spelled with a U instead of an O as it is spelled now), and China. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you!
Diameter: 33 mm; Weight: 28.51 g. Provenance: private collection from Spring Valley, California, USA. The Naval Reserve Medal is a decoration of the. Which was created by order of Secretary of the Navy. The medal was first issued on 12 September 1938 and was an active award until 1958. On 12 September 1958, the Naval Reserve Medal was declared discontinued and was replaced by the. Armed Forces Reserve Medal. It is not to be confused with the. Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal. Which is a different award that was discontinued on 1 January 2014. The Naval Reserve Medal was awarded to any commissioned officer or enlisted member of. United States Naval Reserve. (USNR), the associated National Naval Volunteers, and local. Units of the period. To be awarded the decoration, a service member was required to perform ten years of continuous service in one of the aforementioned components in either an active duty, drilling reservist, or inactive status. An additional award of the NRM is denoted by a. United States Marine Corps. Equivalent to the award is the. Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon. The Naval Reserve Medal originally held precedence just below that of the. Navy Good Conduct Medal. Which, in turn, held precedence just below unit awards. Sometime after 1958, the precedence of the Naval Reserve Medal was moved to rank just below the Armed Forces Reserve Medal making it the lowest ranking medal awarded by the United States Armed Forces aside from the Navy and Coast Guard expert marksmanship medals. As the NRM was only available for exactly 20 years and 0 days, and required 10 years and 0 days USNR service, no sailor could possibly receive more than two. (WW II) pulling the vast majority of Naval Reservists into active duty the Regular Navy, the number of sailors to receive two NRMs is fantastically low, with all two-time recipients having had to serve a total of 20 years in the Naval Reserve between September 1938 and September 1958, e. Before, during and after WW II.
This set of WWII and Korean War era medals were awarded to 40 year Naval submarine veteran Captain Carlton A K McDonald who was appointed to the Naval Academy in 1944. After commissioning he served aboard the USS Leary, and the subs Spikefish, Sea Robin, and Barbero. He successfully interviewed with Admiral Rickover and later assumed command of the USS Grant, gold crew. At the Pentagon he became the special assistant to the Asst. Secretary of the Navy. He was awarded the legion of Merit as well as the Meritorious Service Award (see below). After retirement he spent years researching the causes for the sinking of the USS Scorpion and published his findings. We are offering this set of 6 medals awarded to Captain McDonald including: the WWII Victory medal; the WWII US Navy Occupation Service Medal (Europe); the US National Defense Medal (with a bronze star indicating the first period June 27,1950 – July 27, 1954 Korean War); the Meritorious Service Medal (this medal comes with the corresponding ribbon, lapel pin and original box); the Naval Expeditionary Medal (probably for service in Korea and / or Vietnam) and the WWII America Campaign Medal. All these medals are original and guaranteed to be those awarded to this veteran. Additionally were are offering a variety of commemorative medallions the come to us from this estate all related to Captain McDonalds Naval service and the submarine specialization. Others require our assistance. See our photos for further information. All the above items are in great vintage condition.
1914 Iron Cross 1st class in a deep blue leather case. Three piece brass construction with silver plate which has rubbed from wear. Made for naval awards by Juncker as shown on label on case bottom. Three piece construction with correct specs brass frame silver plated to prevent rust in salt air. Screw backing plate is maker marked as shown. L12 is stamped in the plate. The silver plate shows it’s age in oxidation and wear from being exposed. A very high quality award from a well known maker. Not sure of age but it’s made for a veteran and appears well worn but well cared for. A true navy award. Please view photos carefully for condition.
Naval General Service Medal 1915-62, 1 clasp, Yangtze 1949, awarded to C/KX 101699 T. Copy of a newspaper article from the Yorkshire Evening Post of August 4, 1949, states’The troopship Empire Halladale reached Liverpool to-day with two of the wounded from the Yangtse River battle – Stoker Thomas Main (26), Newcastle, who received shrapnel wounds while serving in H. London, and Able Seaman Eric Rimington (20), Leicester, who received multiple gunshot wounds while serving in the Amethyst. The Empire Halladale also carried 1,000 Servicemen and 268 civilian passengers, including some Service families and refugees from Shanghai.