WWII US Army Good Conduct Medal Engraved Named, 1945. Awarded to Samuel Cherkashoff. Weight: 19.96 g. Provenance: private collection from Chicago, Illinois. The Army Good Conduct Medal is awarded for exemplary behavior, efficiency, and fidelity in active Federal Military service. It is awarded on a selective basis to each enlisted soldier who distinguishes himself from among his fellow soldiers by exemplary conduct, efficiency and fidelity throughout the specified period of continuous enlisted active Federal Military service. Qualifying service includes each 3 years completed after 27 August 1940 or, for first award only, upon completion of at least one year upon termination of service, if separated prior to three years. The immediate Commander must approve the award and the award must be announced in permanent orders. During wartime the Army Good Conduct Medal may be awarded on completion of one year of continuous service rather than three. Effective from 1 September 1982, Active Guard Reserve personnel became eligible for award of the Army Good Conduct Medal. For Active Guard Reserve personnel, the Good Conduct Medal qualification period may commence from a time during the three years immediately preceding the 1 September 1982 effective date, provided no portion of service for the Good Conduct Medal is included in a period of service for which the Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal was awarded. Ribbon Device Attachments: 1.