Posts tagged trial

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Trial on TIN zinc Strike the Karl Goetz medal 1941 WW2 FRANCE INVASION

Above them is a flag with the German army symbol of 1940.