WW1 FRENCH KIA GROUPING MÉDAILLE MILITAIRE + CROIX DE GUERRE w/ STAR + DOCUMENT. WW1 FRENCH HERO’S KIA GROUPING; MÉDAILLE MILITAIRE + CROIX DE GUERRE w/ STAR + MÉDAILLE MILITAIRE DOCUMENT. Médaille Militaire Medal – Awarded to French soldiers for acts of bravery and meritorious service. The Médaille Militaire is France’s third highest military decoration, after the Legion of Honour and the Order of Liberation. Croix de Guerre Medal was established in April 1915 by the French government to recognize French and allied soldiers who were cited for bravery during their service in World War I. The bronze stars signifys a mention at the regiment or brigade level. This was a hero’s medal grouping! MÉDAILLE MILITAIRE MEDAL PARTIALLY PRINTED DOCUMENT, AUTOGRAPHED BY THE 104 REGIMENT INFANTRY FRENCH ARMY COMMANDER WITH FLAT DIMENSIONS. 8 1/4″ x 12 1/2″. CROIX de GUERRE MEDAL WITH BRONZE STAR. MÉDAILLE MILITAIRE MEDAL DOCUMENT TEXT. MINISTÈRE DE LA GUERRE MODÈLE B. Par arrêté ministériel du 19, rendu en application des. Décrets des 13 août 1914 et 1° octobre 1918, publiés au Journal officiel du 8A out. 1923, la Médaille militaire a été attribuée à la mémoire du (2) Corporal. MORT POUR LA FRANCE. Excellent corporal Gloria usèrent tombe pour le France en. Faisant vaillament son devoir, le 16 Septembre 1914, a. Croix de guerre avec étoile de bronze. A Paris, le 8 Fevrier 1924. Le Chef de Bataillon TASSAUX. Commandant L’Organe liquidateur du 104 R. MINISTRY OF WAR MODEL B. By ministerial decree of 19, issued in application of the. Decrees of August 13, 1914 and October 1, 1918. Published in the Official Journal of August 8, 1914. 1923, the Military Medal was awarded in memory of (2) Corporal. Excellent corporal Gloria used falls for France in. Valiantly doing his duty, on September 16, 1914. Rembecourt to the pots. War Cross with bronze star. In Paris, February 8, 1924. The Battalion Chief TASSAUX. Commander The Liquidating Body of the 104 R. THESE ARE NOT REPRODUCTIONS OR COPIES.