1866 PRUSSIAN NASSAUS KRIEGERN WAR MEDAL. W/HIGH QUAL REPRODUCTION RIBBON. This medal was donated in Bavaria, Günzburg, on 20 August 1866 by Duke Adolph. This medal was awarded to all officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, as well as military officials and non-combatants of the Nassau contingent, who left the country with the duke after the victory of the Prussian army and moved with him to Bavaria. The medals were made by Eduard Quellhorst in Munich. The dies come from mint master Korn from Wiesbaden. Although some silver medals have been re-minted unofficially, they are not awarded pieces. The medal was minted in a number of about 6000. The known number of awards is about 5300 pieces. The medal was not subject to return. Nimmergut, German Orders and Decorations of Honour until 1945, Vol. Round bronze medal with graduated edge. At the top, a soldered-on sharp-edged eyelet with a band ring. In the middle, under a crown, is the large, Gothic letter – A – for Adolph. Underneath is the 2-line font. JULY – U – : – AUGUST -/- (larger) 1866. In the middle large the 2-line lettering: – NASSAU? S -/- KRIEGERN. Underneath is an ornate horizontal line in the middle with a flower. High Quality Reproduction Ribbon.